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Posts Tagged ‘rice’

NaBloPoMo -Day 1

Posted by Sowmya on May 1, 2014

I am participating in the National Blog Posting Month for May. The theme is Nourish and today’s topic is

Tell us how you eat: do you sit down to three meals, eat several small meals, or grab a granola bar on the run?


Firstly I think this is the perfect month for me to start NaBloPoMo. My recent obsession with food matches with their theme beautifully.

My eating is very different when I eat alone and when I am with people. My usual schedule for the past three years is something like this – An awesome breakfast, crappy lunch and decent dinner with multiple snacks in between.

The reason is simple. The husband has breakfast and dinner at home which is why both those meals pass muster. Lunch is only for me and hence the theme always is ‘anything goes’ except weekends. Obviously!

I make the idli and dosa batter which I must admit is miles ahead of the batter we get in super markets. The store bought ones are not bad actually and some are even good. But when you make your own batter, it is soooo good. The idlis are softer and the dosas are crisper. The satisfaction of seeing a perfectly raised idli is unmatchable. Ok, maybe it can be matched only by rising bread….but you know what I mean.

The other staple at breakfast is egg. This is where I try to get creative. My omelette takes in anything. The staples are onions and green chillies. The others are based on availability – mushrooms, cheese, tomatoes, spring onions, coriander leaves, capsicum, etc. Sometimes I scramble the eggs but rarely boil them. My attempt at French toast was a success couple of days ago. Yay!

The rest of the days have poha, sabudana, rava upma, neer dosa, karacha maav dosa (multigrain dosa), etc.

We never use the dining table when it is just the two of us. Its usually in front of the TV. Bad habit…need to change now, especially since the daughter should see a respectable example to follow.

Dinner was a standard of rice, rasam and vegetable. Sometimes, on the lazy days, it was mixed rice and chips. But for the past three days, we have started having healthy dinners which consist of salad and soup. Need lotsa new recipes now! Ciao 🙂



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