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Press It -WordPress Writing Prompts

Posted by Sowmya on April 13, 2014

The writing prompt for today from WordPress is to link three blog posts that I have read and tell you why I loved them.
So here goes –

I chanced upon this link on twitter and the title intrigued me. Not surprising considering that anything with Mom, child, etc catches my eye more often now.
But it was so much better than expected. I have read enough mommy blogs and though I appreciate everyone’s need to out their experiences out there, I can usually see a pattern to their writings. It’s typically mommy guilt combined with offspring pride and such like. Quite a few of them are good but I had kinda had it with the same old thing. This one was quirky and fun and put the usual ideas very differently. I had experienced very little of what she wrote but I could relate to those and look forward to other experiences as my daughter would grow older. Fun post!

The other one I enjoyed was Deconstruction of Arvind Kejriwal . I have followed this blog for long and love the analysis and deconstruction done. He is usually very detailed and observes nuances that most others miss. Add to it, he mostly writes what I am thinking but am unable to articulate. So that feels awesome!

I don’t have a third post to link. So that’s all for today. Good night!

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