Whenever inspiration strikes!!!

…a pinch of this & that

As miscellany as there can be……

Posted by Sowmya on August 27, 2008

This is a total miscellaneous post……..I have so many bits and pieces of stuff I want to say & a mini post for each is so not my style. So bear with the randomness of this page & read on…………………..

Actually I have another random question -Does my habit of putting so many dots after words signify anything like my indecisiveness or maybe lack of clarity / cohherent thoughts? Dunno, continue reading……

Finally I am going to see this play ‘Dance like a man’. I have heard hajjar times about this as also the movie. But now I am going. Yipeeeeeeeeee. Its part of this Times Chennai festival happenin in the city. Friday nite……can time pass soon enough? Need a review? Ask someone else. Honestly I am like, the last person to give a review. Ok ok lemme think about this. Also want to go for the Parikrama concert…fingers crossed.

Today one of my clossssssest friends is getting married. Congrats buddy. I know I dont speak much about my friends here. It felt kinda odd to be putting them up for display for the world to watch. And anyways I started this blog after landing in Chennai and all my friends r in heaven (read Mumbai). All I do is chat on the phone so there is not tooo much to write on that. Anyways here is wishing N (yeah yeah, the same N with whom I like to go to Barista) and his now wife K a very very happy, fun and contended life together 😀 Since we are talking about N, a brief intro would do no harm. N is one of the reasons I am professionally qualified today. Else I would have remained a thumb impression kinda gal forever. Jokes apart, his was the shoulder I always cried on after my horrendous results were out everytime. He made me feel better, offered tips on studyin, suggested books to refer, the like. Most of all he perked me up, instilled huge doses of self belief in me. He was part of the mini-club which had more faith in me than I did myself. He always put my exam in perspective and never let me forget that the result of the exam does not reflect on me as a person….Maybe I did not pass that darned paper, remember the relevant case law or apply the acocunting standard right but I still was a person to be liked and respected and would definetely be a success in life. There is so much more to say but all I can tell you now, N, is….Thank you for your belief in me and thank you for me making me think I CAN. Hope K makes you the happiest guy on earth cos I can vouch for the fact that she is definetely one of the luckiest creations of God there ever can be.

OK on to other things………there is this flash fiction contest by Caferati…..go ahead and post your entry before the 7th of September. Sounds like fun. I am sooooo planning to do this but fingers crossed ! (Ah! at this rate I am gonna end up all twisted by the weekend). They also have this forum where they meet and offer suggestions for improvement for all writers who care to ask. How cool is that! Only there is no Chennai chapter to this 😦 But the online forum is pretty active too and constructive criticism is so the way to go. I should should try this out sometime

And these are a few lines I wrote in a sudden flash of inspiration. Check them out –

All I want is a Sunday to chill

with nothing to do and time to kill

Cuppa coffee in hand to watch the hill

and escape from the daily grill

A book to read & some music to beat

Maybe some lemonade to fight the heat

Drowning in newspapers to enjoy India’s Olympic kill

All I want is a Sunday to chill


Hey I suddenly checked my hit counter and guess what!!! Over a 100 people have actually peeked into my land. Yipeeeeeeee Thank you all so much….I would greedily love it when my hit counter matches my comment list….do leave a note saying ‘hi’ or lemme know if there is anything else I should / not blog about! Cheers to our century!

2 Responses to “As miscellany as there can be……”

  1. HI sorry I have not visited you in ages. but remember we meet on Sunday 31st August. The dots mean being cool and…don’t know what else…congratulations on the 100 visitors…

  2. S said

    Sure Sunday it is….

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